Written by Elida Leinch

Fashion has gone beyond the physical clothes we wear and is now about the body and what we put in it. 

“The deepest need of men is not food, clothing and shelter, important as they are, it is God.”

It is the new thing since the pandemic COVID-19 hit, yes, hot for all the new millennium or Gen “Z” stepping backwards 10,000 years ago acting as though we  are in the stone ages. With the new way of eating and lifestyles people have been farming, planting in their homes and buildings with some even moving out of New York to be able to live in the Paleo way. The new Paleo diet became popular because there is this idea that our genes are not well-adjusted from modern diet and that grew out of farming. They also believe that the food we eat is the cause of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease today. The purpose of a Paleo diet is to eat food likely eaten by early humans.

Working in high school with a lot of young teachers. I observe the things they eat for lunch and most of them bring food that doesn’t satisfy their stomachs. Plain vegetables, frozen plant-based food and almost just heat and go. They are spending too much time looking for things or a solution that would help them to live longer via their food intake .

Matthew 4:4 “man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God”.

John 6:27 (NLT) “but don’t be so concerned about perishable things like foods, spend your energy seeking eternal life that is, the Son of Man can give you for God the father has given me the seal of his approval”

Act 10:15 (NLT) “ but the voice spoke again. Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.”

We have to always remember that God created the heavens and earth made our body know exactly what we need here in earth, we must stop trying to control and alter everything, remember, don’t worry God is always in control.


Written by Maisie Hodge

Roasted cauliflower soup

Recipe Instructions

Heat oven @ 350


1 lb cauliflower (cut into pieces and roasted)

1 LG onion

4 cloves of garlic

Seasonings: cumin, coriander, salt and pepper to taste

olive oil

4 cups of vegetable broth

fresh thyme

1 tbsp of almond slices for garnish


Coat cauliflower pieces and onion with cumin, coriander, salt, pepper and oil

Pour onto baking sheet and place in oven to roast for 30 min.

Rap garlic cloves in foil paper with some oil and place in oven

When done, let it cool and then place all of the above ingredients along with the vegetable oil in a blender

Blend on low, increase speed slowly until soup is creamy

Serve in bowls with almond slices and some roasted cauliflower for garnish


Stackable sweet potatoes

Recipe Instructions


2 medium sweet potatoes

1/2 cup of parmesan cheese

4 tbsp of butter

1 tbsp of chopped rosemary

1 tbsp of chopped parsley

1 tbsp of garlic powder

muffin tins


Wash, peel, and cut potatoes into thin slices

Melt butter and combine with garlic, rosemary and parsley

Coat potatoes generously with butter mixture

Stack into muffin tins using cheese after every layer

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 min covered with foil paper

After 15 min, remove foil and continue baking for another 10 min until done

Enjoy as a side dish or snack!


Recipe Instructions


1 can of frozen lemonade OR 1/2 cup of lemon juice

1 frozen bag of guava pulp

1 liter of water

1/2 cup of sugar or honey

2 cups of ice

Combine all ingredients and Enjoy!


Written by Auna-Lisa Grant

There are many forms of outreach, and outreach activities are usually targeted toward the adults in a community. However, we at the WEM believe in reaching the needs of the entire community, which includes children. Children always seem to be underestimated in terms of their impact on family and community life. 

Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Children have the ability and means to make the world we live in a better place, through their innocence and open mindedness. 

We know that children often display a great deal of curiosity and are amazingly perceptive. That is why we at the Word Enterprise Ministries are doing our due diligence using this medium to provide them with answers and make sure they are not forgotten in our outreach endeavors. Consequently, the above video has been included in our Newsletter. Please share with as many children as you can.